Night safari

Most visitors to Cat Tien National Park are unaware that the actual active period for a great number of wildlife happens mainly at dusk and throughout the night till dawn. This is true for a large variety of mammals, amphibians, reptiles & insect species. The jungle literally comes alive in the dark and the probability of seeing animals in their most active period is by being near their food & drinking water source. Night spotlighting therefore offers the best and convenient way to see the animals in their natural habitat.
While the sighting of animals are never guaranteed (the Park is not a Zoo), night spotlighting has regularly revealed the inhabitants of the Park including the samba deer, wild pigs, porcupines, gaur, weasels & civet cats, barking deers, mongoose, nightjars & owlets to name but a few ‘locals’ as we endearingly call them.
Time: 6:30 pm to 7:30 pm 

Approx Distance: 8 km
Group size 1 2 3 - 6 7 - 20 >20
Price per person (USD) 27 18 13.5 11.3 10